In electrolytic nickel plating, the nickel coating is applied by electrolysis. To ensure effective corrosion protection, the base material must be completely sealed by the nickel layer and therefore 100% pore tight. This requires a minimum layer thickness starting at approx. 20 µm, depending on the substrate.

We can deposit the nickel coating in a matt, semi-bright or bright finish. For a perfect visual result, we first have to grind, brush or polish the product. This is because any imperfection in the base material is accentuated, especially with a bright nickel coating. After nickel plating, you can choose to chrome plate the product.

For better corrosion resistance, a layer of duplex nickel coating can be applied. We do this for high-grade products used in harsh (or corrosive) conditions and, for example, when restoring car, motorbike or yacht components. For this duplex nickel plating, we deposit a semi-bright nickel undercoat first and then a bright topcoat. The extra protection is due to good pore density and the difference in standard potential between the layers.

  • Nickel is warm yellow, and chrome has a blue-white colour
  • Extra corrosion resistance thanks to duplex nickel plating
  • Pre-grinding/brushing/polishing for a perfect visual result
  • The nickel coating determines the appearance: matt, pearl, semi-bright or bright